Investigation of terrestrial InSAR efficiency for deformation analysis of hazardous objects and localities

Project leader: Talich
Others: Lubomír Soukup, Ondřej Böhm, Jan Havrlant, Filip Antoš
Supported by: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, No. FR-TI4/436
Jointly with the: Geodézie Ledeč nad Sázavou s.r.o
Duration: 2012 - 2016


Main purpose of the project is to facilitate Czech geodetic enterprises to utilize progressive measuring and monitoring technology based on terrestrial radar interferometry (TInSAR) to determine deformations of important and hazardous buildings, natural sites and localities such as dams, highway bridges, breast-walls, cooling towers, rocks, slide slopes, erosive sites and so on. Such hazardous objects and localities could be damaged by natural unrestrained events (e.g. floods, storms, erosion, seismic activity) or a careless human impact (e.g. accident, mine activitie) and cause enormous material faults or danger to health or lives. The purpose of the project will be reached by creation of methodical and technological procedures for TInSAR data capturing and their consequent processing by advanced mathematical and statistical methods through computational and visualisation tools accessible on-line in Internet.