
HOT PAPER in Angewandte Chemie: Your greatest shade of blue

Madonna of the Rabbit: Spectral map of blue pigments

The communication published in Angewandte Chemie (IF 11.994) has been selected as a HOT PAPER for its importance in a rapidly evolving field of high current interest. In collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (CNR Italy), the researchers propose the methodology based on advanced techniques of data-processing to analyze inhomogeneous datasets. This approach is demonstrated on two paintings by Titian and Manet examined in different contexts, times and partially different techniques.

Spring school of image processing 2012

The Spring School of Image Processing is a popular meeting point of students and researchers from several Czech institutions involved in image processing research as well as guests from abroad. The program of the 2012nd edition of the Spring School of Image Processing will consist mainly of tutorial talks given by organizers from the Department of Image Processing (ÚTIA) and participating Ph.D. students. More about the program you can find on the web of Image Processing Department.

4.6. - 8.6. 2012, Krušné hory, Mariánská.

Best paper award EUROMED 2010

Filip Šroubek a Barbara Zitová byli oceněni cenou Best paper award na konferenci 

EUROMED 2010, kde byl prezetován jejich článek 


vytvořený ve spolupráci s

G. Bianco, F. Bruno, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy

E. Salerno, A. Tonazzini, CNR, Institute of Information Science and Technologies, Pisa, Italy

Soutěž o nejlepší publikaci a aplikaci ÚTIA 2010

Tomáš Suk a Barbara Zitová dostali ocenění za za autorský podíl na monografii "Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition, Wiley 2009"

Cena děkana MFF UK za nejlepší diplomovou práci v akademickém roce 2009/2010

Gratulujeme Jiřímu Dvořákovi a také jeho vedoucímu Jiřímu Boldyšovi k udělení Ceny děkana MFF UK za nejlepší diplomovou práci v akademickém roce

Super-resolution imaging (book)

New book Super-resolution imaging was published in September 2010. It covers both practical and theoretical aspects of this field, describing all main types of super-resolution techniques. We have a hand in this book with chapter
Michal Šorel, Filip Šroubek and Jan Flusser, "Towards superresolution in the presence of spatially varying blur".