Generation and Validation of Biomedical Image Data

Datum konání: 29.11.2019
Přednášející: David Svoboda and Tereza Nečasová
Odpovědná osoba: Kotera

Nowadays, simulations are an essential part of the development of new technologies. They are used in cases when the observation of some events is technically too complicated, ethically unacceptable, or if the repetition of these events is too expensive. This principle is also valid in the field of biomedical image processing where the images represent some specimen acquired using for example optical microscope and where the visual appearance and behavior of selected biological specimen is studied. The aim of these talks is to explain the most common principles of creating of synthetic images or image sequences that imitate all the visual aspects and behavior of real living specimen. Even though the development of simulator frameworks still accelerates, assessment of the quality of the proposed synthetic data is insufficient. We will also provide you with an overview of validation methods used for comparison of real and synthetic biomedical image data.