function [A,V,rmax,tx,ty,x,y]= am_pseudonormalized(img,r,poly,center,radius,coef) % [A,V,rmax,tx,ty] = am_pseudonormalized(img,r,poly,center,radius,coef) computes % Appell moments of the image with normalization preserving rotation invariance. % img(n1,n2) - image matrix % V - Appell moments % r - maximum order % poly - 'U' or 'V' % If center=1 center of the image is mapped onto the center of the unit disk. % If center=2 centroid of the image is mapped onto the center of the unit disk. % If radius=1, the most distant corner is mapped onto the unit circle. % If radius=2, the most distant nonzero pixel is mapped onto the unit circle. % If radius=3, the sqrt(m00), is mapped onto the unit circle. % coef - the radius mapped onto the unit circle is multiplied by coef (implicitly 1). % It should be set so all objects from a database were mapped into % the unit disk. % rmax is radius mapped onto the unit circle. % tx,ty are coordinates mapped onto the center of the unit disk. switch poly case 'U' [A,V,rmax,tx,ty,x,y] = am_U_pseudonormalized(img,r,center,radius,coef); case 'V' [A,V,rmax,tx,ty,x,y] = am_V_pseudonormalized(img,r,center,radius,coef); end